; Follower me


Miss You `

LaoPo .
Listen here .
I miss you .
Agaiin .


Paiseh .

Sorry all yarh .
This time damn buzy .
So less time for me to touch computer .
Now finding some activitive .
For drama class .
Then later want help BingXian do e - class derr work .
So .
Bye .



Holiday `=]

This holiday will live at jie house .
For traning drama .

At 16 Septenber .
At UKM .
So must keep repeating practise .
For prepare the show .
26 August got a Bar - B - Q partii .
So later must go Tesco buy ingredientx .
With Teacher Frankie & others friendx .
So must go prepare jorr .
And help jie tidy up the room .

[ Genting derr thingx . ]
[ When free just bloging . ]

[ Thx Chel let bloging . ]
[ I love you . ]




[ The Final Destination ] ``
Just waiting for you `
20/8/09 `
>>> Who want watch with mii ?
>>> Caryn can ?

[ Orphans ] ``
Waiting for too too `
20/8/09 `
>>> Who agaiin ?
>>> Rachel ?
>>> Amethyst ?

[ Up ] ``
Of course will waiting you larh `
20/8/09 `
>>> Who ?
>>> Siin .

[ G . I . JOE ]
Watched `
But if Amethyst / Nicole want mii watched again also can derr .
Wahaha ``

Waiting you all derr reply yarh `
Mess mii ``

Waiting ``



My B.M `
Maybe FAIL ``

My History `
Maybe FAIL ``

My B.I `
Maybe PASS ``

My Geography `
Maybe PASS ``

My B.C `
Maybe A ``

My Biology `
Maybe A ``

My Math `
Maybe A ``

My Chemical `
Maybe A ``

Cikgu Tan say B.M `
Will people getting failed .
Scaring .

This tiime difficult .
Cikgu Siva larh !
Think we so Pro ?
Whoa ~
Thx your overestimated to us !
But don' t forget .
You did' t teach us larh .
You want to make your class fail too ?
Know you Pro larh .

Pii Kka Chiiu say Math `
Got 13 people got failed .
But she love us .
Then fiind markx to add .
But still got 8 people got failed .
Comfirm not will be mii .
Of course .
Won' t ```
Teacher .
We also a student .
But just studt in Junior One Trust .
Clever A BIIT only marhx .
Also will get FAIL .
Don' t so + damn confiedent to us .
We all not [ 1 Xue ] .

Teacher Low .
Chemical .
That two picha can' t see lerr .
How come can' t just let it bonus ?
Still need to discus ``
Haix `

Ticher Goh .
Chinese derr .
Pheobe .
96 % lerh .
So super .
1 Xue .
80 % ++ .
Geng lorh .
Like this derr score also can get .
Then I must high score than you .
Possible ?
Maybe ```

Otherx .
Wait bah ```

Scary ``


Everythingx `

[ Everything ]
故事里的 起承转合 有一些忘记
原来波折 才暗示着 该走的方向

就算别人都说 我们没什么出息

Cause You're My Everything
就一个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
不管用多少个明天 永远从此刻开始算起

辽阔天际 巧合相遇 有多少机率
多少烟火 坠落无痕迹
因为幸福 没有捷径 难免要绕道

就算别人都说 我们没什么出息

就这个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
只要你说一声愿意 所有的未来才有意义

Cause You're My Everything
就这个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
不管用多少个明天 永远从此刻开始算起

就如这个原因 我会永远记住这种感觉
只要你说一声愿意 所有的未来才有意义

I You `


Yipee ``=]

Yea ...

[ Yiing ] Jie edited two picha for mii `
Hapiie `


To : Passer By .

I will won' t forget YOU forever .
Now .
I' m using More More More properly english to write my blog .
From that day I seen that C - Box .
I told myself that I must prove to that F_CK person .
That' s you .

I won' t lose .
And never lose to a F_CK person as you .

And .
Kor `

Here sorry to you .


XP `

I will `
If I can do it ```


Still Thinking ``

My friendx `
I' m still missing about you all `
How come ?
Shall we ..




Nice MV ``
Must support yarh ``


Your test 4/40 is because you NOOB marhx !

No people want you don' t pay attention while study !
Is yourself want keep sms+ing to jie !
What is the situation now ?!
Because of your NOOB so that jie must scold by your mathx teacher ?
Jie also did' t say before [ I Love You ] !
Why say jie with yourself is couple ?!
Jie today say to CHEN HONG HUA that' s no relationship between you two lorh !
Please larh !
Don' t frame - up my jie larh !
Just some Fucking Bother ! ! ! ! ! !

Don' t Hurt .

My Friendx : A

My Friendx' s Gurl : S

A love S so much .
And .
S love study so much .
At this moment .
S want to study for this coming Exam .
So .
S want to Breake with A .
But don' t forget .
A is so love S .
But .
The ending is .
Breake lorh .
Haix .

A ``
I wanna to tell euu .
[ Want to study then breake is nothing . ]
[ Euu must prove to her . ]
[ While having Love . ]
[ Can also having nice resultx in exam . ]
[ So . ]
[ Euu can do it well `` ]



Ouch `

Waliiu `
痛咯 .
故事是醬的 .
我從女校的舊大門跑向一輛 UNSER 要回家 .
跑丫跑丫跑丫 .

太興奮[因爲回到女校] .

到車門的時候就一跳+一躍 .

沒有跳進車 .

反而 .

我的頭撞到<車門與車頂斷開的地方> .

Ouch ~~~~
一陣暈眩 .
每知覺了 .
這裡是哪裏 ?

大概5/10分鐘后 .

沒有醬痛了 .

就摸下我的頭 .
Waliiu `


還好有姐姐 sayang 我 .

咳 ......

給姐姐講笨 .


祝我早日康復 ......


Primary School ` ILY `

I Will Never Forget You ```