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scared my fart out

I just have zero idea why the iPhone can receive the message lol because I haven't even plug my SIM card into it. and when the witch Anne message me, both iPad and iPhone vibrate together I was like MOMMY THERE'S MONSTER IN MY ROOM VIBRATING THER AHHHHHAHAHAHHHHHHH THUNDER AHHHHH GHOOOOOOOST then i realized WTF?! but after that I just enjoy chattng with her bout our crushs our future or gossiping WHATEVA I just definately love it. Anne see you very soon x


Holla, I was in a very good condition just now so I decided to take some photos out there it's a windy evening so I don't havr to worry one bit of the hot sun.
I was just came back from school's drama activity so I'm dirty I'm not pretty at all BUT, there're always reasons to take photos of myself.
alright I have no good sense on photograph and I didn't do any edit or evrything you can think so the photos just as plain as ...... normal whatever. SOMEHOW, I admire so much on people who does editing work very well I just hope that I can learn all the way from it.

alright this is obviously a weird selftimer shoot but I'm standing there so fucking adorable so who cares
I added on my lenses so it looks like uhm a little bit fisheye's effect but it's still a scenery that I thought they would only come after edit. SO PROUD OF MYSELF. Good camera makes everything perfect awh.
idk if there's anyone reading for my blog but if you're reading, thanks tons.
k bye see you soon