; Follower me


我的家 -

All people forgot me .
Didnt perform jorr dont need tell ?
Angry .
What can I do ?
Like a sohaii listen to you all disccuss somethiinq I dont know ?
Idiot Attitude -
Hate It -




Sin Ng said...

Heii ! You ! Mikiyo !
Didn't find me lakk ?!
Harr ?!
NG KAISIN can help you de marr .

- Siin .

N A T said...

But you all didnt tell me marhx .
How I know ?
If I ask .
Like verii **** derr niie .

- Mikiyo

N A T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sin Ng said...

Ya merr ?
I don't think so norr .
We together so lonq le you still duneo me merr ?
Lols .
Anyways ,
If got anythiinq .
Just find me .
Kiies ?
I will help you derr .

- Siin .

N A T said...

Arh-Kiies .
I'll .
Thxii thxii .

- Mikiyo .

Sin Ng said...

Nope .
And you'r welcome .

Whatever ,
Be happy always .

- Siin .